Lights, Camera, Donate!

May is always a busy month with getting Jesse Tree's name out there, kicking off with Idaho Gives. Thanks to 215 members of the Treasure Valley community, we raised $52,270 which will allow us to keep 26 families housed during an eviction.

This month, it was announced that Duane & Lori Stueckle are partnering with us to administer $250,000 in emergency rental assistance to Boise residents, which the City of Boise matched. This fund will allow us to prevent eviction for an additional 250 families over the next two years, on top of the 1,000 families we are already serving each year. This fund - alongside continued support from our community - will allow our organization to increase our service levels by 10%!

In May, our team has also been participating in Nonprofit MVP, a new television show that will air on local and national channels. This show allowed us to showcase our organization, as well as raise a bit of cash. Next week, we will be launching an online auction as part of the show and we hope you will participate! Yet again, participating in this show reminded us of how powerful our mission is - and how eager our community is to get involved.


2023 Eviction Report


April Showers Bring...More Opportunities to Support Our Community!