Our Services

We are dedicated to helping our neighbors and keeping the Treasure Valley housed. Not only do we provide emergency rent, but we also have other services that allow tenants to avoid homelessness.

Emergency Rental Assistance

Jesse Tree provides tenants who are being evicted with a one-time, one-month payment of rent, allowing tenants to remain in their home. Eligible tenants must have received an eviction notice or be summoned to court, and be at risk of homelessness. All rental assistance is paired with case management services. A large majority of Jesse Tree’s funding goes towards this resource.

Case Management

Tenant education and support is a component of each of our programs. Our case management service includes landlord mediation, budgeting education, and housing stability planning. Tenants are provided with a rent check so they can avoid immediate eviction, but importantly, they are also given the tools and knowledge they need to stay housed long-term. Our data shows that 95% of Jesse Tree clients do not get evicted and are able to remain housed over a five-year period.

Eviction Court

Jesse Tree offers tenants in eviction court with guidance and support during the court process. This includes providing one-time rental assistance, helping tenants understand their rights, mediating agreements with landlords, and offering resources. Jesse Tree maintains a close partnership with Ada County Court and is involved in every case. In Canyon County, Jesse Tree offers pre-court mediation services. There is currently a 100% success rate on eviction court mediations that Jesse Tree is able to attend.

Tenant Resource Center

Jesse Tree’s Tenant Resource Center offers essential support for tenants, including practical tips for avoiding eviction, education on Idaho’s eviction process, referrals to local resources, and various downloadable materials. Resources provide tenants with the knowledge and tools they need to navigate challenges and reduce the risk of eviction. Jesse Tree’s Tenant Resource Center is mostly staffed by volunteers. Over 1,000 tenants reach out for educational resources and support each month, and between 300-400 individuals and families are supported to apply for emergency rental assistance.

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